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Walks on the Otago Peninsula

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Karetai Road

Description - Provides access from Smails Beach to Karetai Road. This  four-wheel drive track through farmland is deeply rutted in some places and  muddy when wet. Stupendous views along the coastline and across to Saddle Hill.  Mountain bikes allowed.
Classification - Moderate
Time - Approximately 30 minutes.
Dogs - Yes
Parking (with care)

Paradise Road

Description - A fenced farm track from Highcliff Road to Boulder Beach with  good views of the coast. One of the recognised mountain bike rides in Dunedin.  There is a good representation of peninsula native shrubs on the right as you go  down.
Classification - Moderate
Time 45 minutes average
Dogs - No

Highcliff Road to Hoopers Inlet

Description - Very steep track to Hoopers Inlet. Suitable for experienced and  agile parties only.
Classification - Route
Time - 1 hour average
Dogs - No

Allans Beach

Allans Beach
Description - Access from Allans Beach Road to Allans Beach
Classification - Moderate
Time - Approximately 5 minutes
Dogs - Under control on the beach

Mt Charles

Description - Access over private land from Allans Beach Road to Mt Charles  Summit. Mt Charles is the highest point on the Otago Peninsula. Permission must  be sought from the landowner: Mr J Clearwater, Cape Saunders Road, RD 1,  Portobello. Telephone 478 0274.
Classification - Hard
Time - average 3 hours return
Dogs - No

41 Peg Road

Description - This track provides a link between Ocean Grove and Highcliff  Road. Access to the track in Ocean Grove is off Oregon Street. An attractive  walk around Tomahawk Lagoon then climbs through gorse and native bush. Turn  right towards Soldiers Memorial through paddocks with gorse sometimes obscuring  the rock walls.
Classification - Hard
Time - Approximately 45 minutes.
Parking - Limited at Highcliff Road.
Dogs - No

Karetai Road

Description - Provides access from Smails Beach to Karetai Road. This  four-wheel drive track through farmland is deeply rutted in some places and  muddy when wet. Stupendous views along the coastline and across to Saddle Hill.  Mountain bikes allowed.
Classification - Moderate
Time - Approximately 30 minutes.
Dogs - Yes
Parking (with care)

Highcliff Track

Description - Links Karetai Road to Boulder Beach. The track provides a  feeling of history with the dry stone walls as well as a sense of exposure on  days with a strong southerly blowing. After the lookout the track swings inland,  descending steeply in places before joining Buskin Road.
Classification - Hard
Time - 1 hour average
Dogs - No

Seal Point Road to Sandfly Bay

Description - Access to a Department of Conservation observation hide at  Sandfly Bay Wildlife Refuge. Great sand dunes down to the beach - a long trudge  back up but it's well worth it.


Description - Connects Dicks Road via Riddell Road to the Pyramids and  Victory Beach. You are free to wander in the reserve area.
Classification - Moderate
Time - Approximately 1 hour to beach
Dogs - No

McTaggart Street

Description - Provides access from McTaggart Street, Company Bay to Camp  Road, Broad Bay. Track goes acress private land on a well-defined farm road.  Please leave the gates as you found them.
Classification - Tramping track - benched
Time - 15 minutes average
Dogs - No

Lime Kilns

Description - This track provides access to three historic lime kilns. The  kilns were used from the 1860s until 1938, when kilns in other areas became more  economically viable.
Classification - Moderate
Time 5 minutes average
Dogs - No

Greenacres Street

Description - Connects Greenacres Street in Macandrew Bay to Highcliff Road  at Pukehiki. There is inadequate parking at either end of the track. We suggest  parking in Macandrew Bay. Walk up Greenacres Street and turn right at the  Dunedin City Council sign, following the track through some macrocarpas and  alongside dry stone walls. Good views of the city.
Classification - Tramping track - benched
Time - Approximately 40 minutes
Dogs - Yes

Buskin Road

Description - Access track from Highcliff Road to Boulder Beach. A track down  an unformed legal road, over farmland to connect with Highcliff Track, Paradise  Road or Braidwood Road providing loop walks. One of the recognised mountain bike  rides in Dunedin.
Time - 45 minutes average
Dogs - No

Braidwood Road

Description - Access from Braidwood Road to Boulder Beach down a 4WD track that is very rough in places. Please heed the signs indicating where to park.
Classification - Moderate
Time - 20 minutes approximately
Dogs - No

Ridge Road

Description - Connects Sandfly Bay and Ridge Road. A longer but flatter access than the track from Seal Point Road. Crosses farm paddocks and dunes to Sandfly Bay.
Classification - Hard
Time - Approximately 40 minutes
Parking - limited. Please park at least 200m from the start of the track
Dogs - No

Sandymount to Sandfly Bay

Description - Access from Sandmount Track to Sandfly Bay via sandhills. Closed for lambing September to October.
Classification - Route
Time - Average 45 minutes
Dogs - No

Sandymount Track Network

Description - Provides loop access to the Chasm and Lovers Leap from Sandymount Road. Access also from Sandymount Summit. Closed for lambing September to October.
Classification - Route
Time - Average 1 hour for loop. 20 minutes to the Chasm and Lovers Leap
Dogs - No

Nyhon Road

Description - Links Sandymount Road to Hoopers Inlet Road. Please keep to the marked track. Closed for lambing September to October.
Classification - Hard
Time - 45 minutes
Dogs - No

Buskin Road

Description - Access track from Highcliff Road to Boulder Beach. A track down  an unformed legal road, over farmland to connect with Highcliff Track, Paradise  Road or Braidwood Road providing loop walks. One of the recognised mountain bike  rides in Dunedin.
Time - 45 minutes average
Dogs - No

Quoin Cliff

Description - Track on private land from Pipikaretu Road to Quoin Cliff.  There is a 20 minute walk along the road to the start of the track. Cross the  stile and follow marker pegs to the trig at the top of cliff (121m). From here  you can see views of Pipikaretu and Ryans Beaches. With caution, follow the  markers to link with the Pipikaretu road then back to your car. Please stay on  the marked route.
Permission - Access to Pipikaretu Beach is via private property. Please  contact McGrouther. Telephone - 03 478 0286.
Classification - Hard
Time - 1 hour 15 minutes return approximately
Dogs - No

Bacon Street to Highcliff Road

Description - Provides access from Bacon Street to Highcliff Road. A steep  walk through some trees then alongside a stand of native bush.
Classification - Hard
Time - Average 30 minutes
Dogs - Yes

Camp Road

Description - Connects Larnarchs Castle and Broad Bay with lovely views of  Broad Bay and the harbour. Please leave cars on Portobello Road and walk up the  hill past the rural houses onto a clay track. It is a further 20 minutes along  Camp Road to the entrance of Larnach Castle. Mountain bikes allowed.
Classification - Moderate
Time - 40 minutes to the formed Camp Road
Dogs - yes

Paradise Road

Description - A fenced farm track from Highcliff Road to Boulder Beach with  good views of the coast. One of the recognised mountain bike rides in Dunedin.  There is a good representation of peninsula native shrubs on the right as you go  down.
Classification - Moderate
Time 45 minutes average
Dogs - No

Harbour Cone

Generally suitable for beginners but proper clothing and equipment are essential and a reasonable standard of fitness.
Time - Approximately 5 hours

District Road

Description - A steep track linking Portobello Road to Highcliff Road.
Classification - Hard
Time - Approximately 40 minutes
Parking - Limited on Portobello Road
Dogs - No

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Wildlife Capital of New Zealand

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